
林靜華 助理教授


電話 03-5186574
傳真 03-5186575
研究室 管理學院 M516
電子郵件 kate@chu.edu.tw



  • 清華大學工業工程與工程管理博士




  • 人因工程
  • 工作研究



  1. Kai Way Li, Wen-Ruey Chang, Ching Hua Lin, John-Chang Wei, “Relationship between the measured friction coefficients of floors on a horizontal surface and on a 10° ramp,” International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 36(), 705-711 (2006). (SCI)
  2. LI Kai Way, CHEN Chin Jung, LIN Ching-Hua, HSU Yaw Wen, “Relationship Between Measured Friction Coefficients and Two Tread Groove Design Parameters for Footwear Pads,” TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 11(6), - (2006). (EI)
  3. Kai Way Li, Yao-Wen Hsu, Wen-Ruey Chang, Ching-Hua Lin, “Friction Measurements on Three commonly used Floors on a College Campus under Dry, Wet, and Sand-Covered Conditions,” Safety Science, 45(9), 980-992 (2007). (SCI)
  4. 1.林靜華(Lin, Ching-hua)2.葉政昌(Yeh, Cheng-Chang), “Investigation of Optimal Signal Colors on Different Computer Screen Locations,” 人因工程學刊 / Journal of Ergonomic Study(2076-5517), 15(2), p89-p99 (2013). ()
  5. 1.林靜華(Lin, Ching-hua)2.洪國強(Hung, Kuo Chiang), “The Validation of Hand Anthropometry Using 3D Laser Scan,” Applied Mechanics and Materials(1660-9336), 543-547(), p1167-p1170 (2014).(NSC 102-2221-E-216-018-MY2;) ()


  1. Kai-way Li、 Wen Pei、Ching-hua Lin、Yu-Chang Huang , 「The effect of the complexity of Road View on the driver's ability to detect the traffic sign 」,The 10th Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation,第-頁(1995)。
  2. 李開偉、裴 文、林靜華、黃俞昌 , 「道路背景複雜度與人員對於交通標誌偵測能力之分析 」,中華民國運輸學會第十屆論文研討會,第-頁(1995)。
  3. Kai-Way Li、Ching-hua Lin、 Zhi-Hui Lee、 Zong-Zhi Lin、 Yi-Ping Chen、 Xi-Lan Zhou , 「The Working Posture Analysis of man working in the kitchen 」,The 1999 Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers,第-頁(1999)。
  4. 李開偉、林靜華、李芝慧、林宗志、陳依萍、周西蘭 , 「餐廚工作人員工作姿勢分析 」,中國工業工程學會八十八年度年會,第-頁(1999)。
  5. Ching-hua Lin, Shin-Hong Du, Cheng-Zhe Lin, “The Development of Functional Evaluation Index of Electronic Full-text Database on Network,” Proceedings of The Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, , (2002).
  6. Kai Way Li, Ching-Hua Lin, Yu-Chang Lin, “Effects of Tread Groove Depth on Measured Coefficient of Friction Using the Brungraber Mark II Slipmeter,” The XIX Annual International Occupational Ergonomics and Safety Conference, , (2005).
  7. Ching-hua Lin , 「The Analysis of three Chinese Keyboarding Skills, Tsang-Jye Keyboard, Wu-hsia-mi Keyboard and New Chinese Phonetic Symbol Keyboard 」,2005 Conference on Science Technology and Society,第-頁(2005)。
  8. Ching-hua Lin、 Chi-Yuang Yu , 「Human Body Surface Area Measurement and Estimation using 3D Body Scanning Data 」,The 2005 Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers,第-頁(2005)。
  9. 林靜華 , 「倉頡、嘸蝦米與新注音輸入鍵盤之手指負荷分析 」,2005年科技與社會學術研討會,第-頁(2005)。
  10. 林靜華,游志雲 , 「以3D人體掃描量測人體表面積及建立估算公式 」,中國工業工程學會九十四年度年會暨學術研討會,第-頁(2005)。
  11. Ching-hua Lin、 Chi-Yuang Yu , 「The Evaluation of the Error of Human Body Surface Area Estimation Formula Using 3D Body Scanning Data 」,The 14th Annual Meeting of Ergonomics Society of Taiwan,第-頁(2007)。
  12. Po-Yi Su、 Yu-Fen Tasi、 Rui-Ying Jian、 Chiao-Ling Hsu、 Ching-Hua Lin , 「The Sources of Noise from Outside and Inside University Classrooms and the Influences of These Noises to Students in Class—Take the Classrooms on 6th floor of M Building in Chung Hua University as an Example 」,2007 Conference on Science Technology and Society,第-頁(2007)。
  13. Ching-Hua Lin, Hsin-Hung Tu, Fei-Hui Huang, “An Approach of Fitting Apparel on Line - The Application of Three-Dimensional Anthropometry,” BAI 2007 International Conference on Business and Information, , (2007).
  14. 林靜華、游志雲、黃素卿 , 「運用3D人體掃瞄儀評估人體皮表面積估算公式之誤差 」,第十四屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會,第-頁(2007)。
  15. 蘇柏毅、蔡毓芬、簡瑞盈、徐巧玲、林靜華 , 「大學教室內外噪音來源及其對於學生上課之影響-以中華大學M棟6樓教室為例 」,2007年科技與社會學術研討會,第-頁(2007)。
  16. Ching-Hua Lin, “On-Line Shopping Mall - The Application of Three-dimensional Scan technology and GIS,” BAI 2008 International Conference on Business and Information, , (2008).
  17. 1.劉秀女()2.林靜華(Lin, Ching-hua), “國小六年級學童職業興趣之研究-以台中市某國小為例,” 大葉大學2011教育學術研討會-第八屆課程、教學與評量理論與實務研討會, 彰化, 台灣 (2011).
  18. 1.林靜華(Lin, Ching-hua)2.呂柏昇(Po-Sheng Lu), “The Development of an Advanced On Line Anthropometric Query System,” 2012 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2012), Sapporo, Japan (2012).(NSC 100-2221-E-216-019;)
  19. 1.林靜華(Lin, Ching-hua)2.葉政昌(Cheng-Chang Yeh), “THE EFFECTS OF LAP-TOP SCREEN LOCATION AND SIGNAL COLOR TO HUMAN DETECTION PERFORMANCE,” 2012 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2012), Sapporo, Japan (2012).
  20. 1.林靜華(Lin, Ching-hua)2.翁偉倫(Wei-Lun Wong), “THE EFFECTS OF COLOR CONTRAST TO DISCRIMINATION PERFORMANCE ON COMPUTER SCREEN,” 2012 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2012), Sapporo, Japan (2012).
  21. 1.林靜華(Lin, Ching-hua)2.楊岱霖(Tai-Lin YANG)3.蔡淳婷(Chun-Ting TSAI)4.呂柏昇(Po-Sheng LU)5.鄭特輝(Te-Hui CHENG)6.邱繼正(Chiu-Cheng CHIU), “Motion Analysis of Playing Wii Baseball Batting Game Using Maya Software,” The 3rd Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM2012), Shanghai, China (2012).
  22. 1.林靜華(Lin, Ching-hua)2.施智超(Shih, chih chao), “電子教科書融入社會領域教學學習成效與態度之研究 - 以國小六年級學童為例,” 2012年彰雲嘉大學校院聯盟學術研討會, 彰化縣, 台灣 (2012).
  23. 1.林靜華(Lin, Ching-hua)2.許雅婷(Hsu, Ya Ting)3.葉珮均(Yeh, Pei Chun)4.黃雅涓(Huang, Ya Chuan), “THE INVESTIGATION OF USING HABIT OF MP3 PLAYERS OF COLLEGE STUDENTS AND THE MEASUREMENTS OF TEMPORARY HEARING LOSS,” 2013 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2013), Bali, Indonesia (2013).
  24. 1.林靜華(Lin, Ching-hua)2.許家福(HSU, CHIA FU), “彰化縣偏遠地區國小高年級學童網路使用行為與網路成癮之相關研究,” 2013年兩岸製造與服務管理學術研討會, 新竹市, 台灣 (2013).
  25. 1.呂柏昇(Lu, Bo-Sheng)2.林靜華(Lin, Ching-hua), “人體足部體積之量測與估算,” 2013年兩岸製造與服務管理學術研討會, 新竹市, 台灣 (2013).
  26. 1.林靜華(Lin, Ching-hua)2.詹玉竹(Chan, Yu Chu)3.楊靜敏(Yang, Ching Min), “THE EFFECT OF SCREEN SIZE, BRIGHTNESS, WATCHING DISTANCE AND TIME PERIOD OF USING SMARTPHONE ON VISION,” The 2014 International Conference on Business and Information, Osaka, Japan (2014).
  27. 1.胡鳳英()2.林靜華(Lin, Ching-hua), “理解式教學模式在七年級學生籃球運動比賽表現成效之研究,” 2014企業競爭力與經營管理學術研討會, 新竹, 台灣 (2014).
  28. 1.徐偉迪()2.林靜華(Lin, Ching-hua), “國中教師對工作感受之主成分分析,” 2014企業競爭力與經營管理學術研討會, 新竹, 台灣 (2014).
  29. 1.蔡石偉()2.林靜華(Lin, Ching-hua), “多媒體教學模式在國中數學成效之研究,” 2014企業競爭力與經營管理學術研討會, 新竹, 台灣 (2014).
  30. 1.劉權賢()2.林靜華(Lin, Ching-hua), “互動式電子白板教學對國中八年級學生理化科的學習動機與學習成效之研究,” 2014企業競爭力與經營管理學術研討會, 新竹, 台灣 (2014).


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  1. 兩種常用摩擦量測器在斜坡地面上之操作性與量測值之比較(CHU-94-M-017- 2005-08-01~2006-07-31)
  2. BPST 摩擦係數量測器的評估(CHU-95-M-021- 2006-08-01~2007-07-31)
  3. 以3D人體掃描資料修正Du BOIS 和Du BOIS的線性量測(NSC 100-2221-E-216-019- ~)
  4. 人體手部3D資料庫與動畫手型之建立,-子計畫三:手部3D人體計測資料庫之建立(1/2)(NSC 102-2221-E-216-018-MY2- ~)
  5. 人體手部3D資料庫與動畫手型之建立,-子計畫三:手部3D人體計測資料庫之建立(2/2)(NSC 102-2221-E-216-018-MY2-2- ~)